
Head to the Worship Center to check in on the Patio and enjoy some coffee!
Mark Mittelberg
"Contagious Faith: Honoring the God who Connects with Us by Helping Others Connect with Him"
- We worship the God of love, so we must love others — including those far from him
- We serve the God of truth, so we must present his truth to a world that opposes it
- We're children of the Heavenly Father, so we must strive to enroll others into his family
- We were called to abide in Christ (John 15:5) — and as we do we’ll bear fruit for him.
In this session, bestselling author and international speaker Mark Mittelberg will show us natural ways the God we worship can use us to build his Kingdom
Danny Kugelberg
"Friendly Fire"
Why is it that so many of us have friendships that never wade into deep waters? Is it born out of self protection? Are we afraid that being truly known will ultimately end in hurt or rejection? Is it also possible that our fear of pain also stunts growth in our lives? The book of Proverbs invites us to see that the wounds of a friend are faithful (27:6). Let's explore together why it is vital to cultivate relationships that can bear the weight of hard, but healing truths.
Location: Upper CE North
Derick Zeulner
"Loving Others with the Gift You Don’t Want"
There’s a way to love others that we often neglect—the results, undeniable; the change in your life, guaranteed. Yet many of us leave this gift sitting on the table, unused, unwanted, uncultivated. Are you ready to join God in loving others like He does?
Location: Worship Center
Jeff & Charlene Thompson
"Parenting as Worship"
What would it look like to parent with glorifying God as the highest goal? In this breakout session, Jeff & Charlene will share some of the most important parenting lessons they've learned during their 20 years of parenting their 6 children, and why biblical parenting is about so much more than raising "nice" children.
Location: Cundall
Julian Marcel & Ross Thorsen
"Your Relationship With The Global Church"
It’s easy to think about relationships with the local church-your family, friends, pastors, etc., but it can often feel daunting or distant to be connected with the global church. It shouldn’t have to feel that way. In this session, Ross and Julian will break down some of the Bible’s teachings on how we are supposed to relate to people we may have never met and how much fresh life and power that can bring into our own relationships with God and with each other.
Location: Upper CE South
Sam Rainer
"Your Church Address Is No Accident: How You Can Thrive Right Now, Right Where You Are"
God has sovereignly placed your church exactly where it is, and what He began at your location is not supposed to stop until Christ returns. This session will explore how your church is strategically positioned to fuel the Great Commission in your neighborhood.
Mark Beuving
"Deepening Worship With Community"
Our modern bent toward individualism distorts and weakens our worship of God. We were created to live, serve, and worship TOGETHER—as a community. In this session we will explore God’s design for corporate worship and seek to recover a vision for how this plays out in our church life.
Location: Upper CE North
Erik & Donna Thoennes
"Marriage For the Glory of God and the Good of The Church"
God created marriage for his glory, our joy, and for the sake of the gospel. Godly marriages are intended by God to grow in the context of the local church and to help build strengthen the church. This session will consider the biblical teaching on marriage and practical ways to have healthy, joyful, God honoring marriages.
Location: Cundall
Jared Higgins
"It Happens Around a Table"
Practicing hospitality is a way we can connect with other people similar to us but also very different from us. But when we think about hospitality, sometimes we picture a pristine setting with perfect vibes to make your guest feel welcomed. What if hospitality was much simpler than that? We'll see how Jesus practiced a radically different form of hospitality and through his open table he was able to build connections that changed lives.
Location: Worship Center
Jeff Thompson
"Loving Jesus by Loving His Church"
If the Church is the Bride of Christ, then Christians must understand that when they care for the Church, they are caring for someone and something unspeakably precious to the Lord. In this message, we'll examine our attitudes toward the Church and explore why and how we can worship God by actively participating in the life of the Church.
Head back to the Worship Center - Doors open at 6:30pm